diablo2oo2’s Universal Patcher v2.23

[2.23 Final]
-fixed music playback bug
-fixed bug: open *.dUP2 files with dup2.exe
-fixed bug: crash when option “do not check original bytes” is enabled
-fixed bug: commandline parameter “/startupworkdir” did not work
-any bytepattern format will be accepted when it is pasted
-added plugin support
-added ASLR support
-added DLL patching support for the loader

Download1 :http://diablo2oo2.di.funpic.de/downloads/dup2.rar


Comment Viewer v.0.2

Comment Viewer is a plug-in for Interactive Dissasembler (IDA) whose purpose is to provide an easy way for the security researcher to manage the comments in the database. It should prove to be useful on large analysis of binary code projects where keeping a good image of the executable actions is needed.

 The plug-in supports a variety of options to be as efficient as possible in a variety of cases, while keeping much of its simplicity. For more information on the various options, what they mean and how to use them please read the attached pdf

Orginal Download link:http://www.openrce.org/downloads/details/237/Comment_Viewer

Dbank Download link:http://dl.dbank.com/c0qtmkuof4

IDA + GDBServer实现iPhone程序远程调试

IDA + GDBServer实现iPhone程序远程调试






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