Bit Detector v2.8.5.6 & ExeInfoPe v0.0.3.1

Exeinfo PE is a software that you can use to view various information on any executable file.

This product is portable, so installation is not necessary. It means that your Windows registry entries will remain intact but that you can also place the tool on a removable device and run it on any computer.

The user interface of Exeinfo PE is based on a small, standard window in which you can insert an EXE or DLL file by using the file browser or the “drag and drop” method.

So, you can view the entry point, file offset, linker information, file size, EP section, first bytes, sub-system and overlay. But you can also input HEX data to look into BIN information.

In addition, you can open a section viewer in which you can check out each virtual offset and size, RAW data offset and size, flags, name, first bytes (in HEX mode) and section status (executable, readable, writable).

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IDA + Bochs 调试器插件进行PE+ 格式DLL脱壳

By :obaby

在IDA Pro6.1中我们扩展了Bochs调试器插件,现在已经可以进行64位代码段的调试。在IDA Pro 6.2版本中将有可能实现PE+ 可执行程序的动态调试。由于程序将会在Bochs系统中执行,因而在调试的过程中我们并不需要实际的64位操作系统,因而在实际的调试过程中可以从任何的32位或者64位的Linux,Mac OS 或者Windows操作系统中使用IDA Pro进行64位可执行文件的调试。

为了确认这一项新的功能,我们将进行PE+格式的一个木马程序进行脱壳并且进行一个大体的分析,这个文件是由MATCODE Software公司的mpress进行压缩的。我们将会对讲解DLL文件脱壳,修复输入表并且最终修复数据库来进行分析。


Unpacking the DLL


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