Fast IDB2Sig and LoadMap plugins(IDA)

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It took me two weeks to write two IDA plugins, a renew, fast IDB2Sig plugin and a new, very fast LoadMap plugin.
The IDB2SIG plugin I rewrote base on the orginal source code and idea of:
– Quine (
– Darko
– IDB2PAT of J.C. Roberts <>
Thanks all of you very much. I think all of you will allow me to public the new source code.
The LoadMap plugin I wrote base on the idea of Toshiyuki Tega. It will supports loading and parsing VC++, Borland (Delphi/BC++/CBuilder) and DeDe map files.
And with two plugins, I need only two days to create two signature file for Delphi 6/7. Very fast and convenience. Hereafter, we can use two above plugins to create signature files, load map symbols…

Source is included, and plugins are precompiled for IDA 4.5 and 5.2.

IDA 6.1调试驱动

今天在测试的时候发现IDA 5.5可以启动windbg调试器,而IDA 6.0却无法启动windbg调试器。大体看了一下可能是由于搜索路径造成的,重新将windbg安装到program files下之后问题就结局了。

网上也有关于用IDA调试驱动的文章,这里只是再整理一下,用IDA载入驱动分析完成之后选择调试器为Windbg debugger,如图1所示:


然后执行菜单中的Debugger->Debugger options打开如图2所示的设置窗口。


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IDA调试Windows 内核




  1. IDA PRO这个我想大家都应该有了;
  2. Windbg如果调试过驱动或者系统内核的话这个东西也应该有了;
  3. VirtualKd 这个东西我想大家如果没有做过使用IDA调试内核的话这个东西应该是还没有。
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基于Emeditor的 Idc 脚本高亮显示模板

由于Crismon Editor不支持自动完成功能,根据它的高亮显示脚本重新编辑了一个Emeditor的高亮显示模板。猛击此处下载,下载后导入模板即可。 smile :)(话说这个纳米盘真的很恶心,死了就死了嘛,还保留着文件下载页面,保留就保留嘛,关键的是你妈的不能下载啊。那你留着干嘛啊,操!


Idc Script 高亮显示模板

高亮模板适用于Crimson Editor,相关模板下载:


Crimson Editor Syntax definition files for the IDC scripting language
of the Interactive Disassembler IDA (
extension.idc – Goes into Crimson Editor\link
idc.key – Goes into Crimson Editor\spec
idc.spc – Goes into Crimson Editor\spec
example.idc – Example file to test syntax highlighting – Used to parse the IDC.IDC file toproduce the biggest part of idc.key.