

(c) Mars Security. 2009-2012
Institute Of Information Serurity From Mars
U{By obaby. http: //}
#sys.path.append("C:\\Program Files\\Immunity Inc\\Immunity Debugger\\Libs")

DESC="""Load Binary file test!"""

import immlib
import immutils
import os

def main(args):
    imm = immlib.Debugger()
    imm.log ("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" )
    imm.log ("[*] Start Loading file " )
    imm.log ("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" )
    rcFileHandle = open ('C:\\test.bin','rb')
    rcFileData =
    rcFileLength = len(rcFileData)
    imm.log ("[*] FileLength is 0x%08x and filedata is loaded at address 0x%08x" %(rcFileLength,id(rcFileData)))    

    imm.log ("[*] Finished Loading " )
    imm.log ("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" )
    return "[*] Data has been Loaded!"
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Starting to write Immunity Debugger PyCommands : my cheatsheet 『Rw』

When I started Win32 exploit development many years ago, my preferred debugger at the time was WinDbg (and some Olly). While Windbg is a great and fast debugger, I quickly figured out that some additional/external tools were required to improve my exploit development experience.

Despite the fact that the command line oriented approach in windbg has many advantages, it appeared not the best tool to search for good jump addresses, or to list non-safeseh compiled / non-aslr aware modules, etc….  Ok, looking for a simple “jmp esp” is trivial, but what if you are looking for all pop pop ret combinations in non-safeseh compiled modules…   Not an easy task.

It is perfectly possible to build plugins for Windbg, but the ones that I have found (MSEC, byakugan (Metasploit)) don’t always work the way I want them to work, and would still not solve some issues I was having while writing exploits.

OllyDbg and Immunity Debugger are quite different than windbg.  Not only the GUI is very much different, the number of plugins for these debuggers is substantially higher.  After evaluating both of them (they pretty much have the same look and feel), and evaluating the way plugins can be added, I made the decision to focus on Immunity Debugger.

That does not mean OllyDbg is a bad debugger or is limited in what you can do in terms of writing plugins… I just found it harder to “quickly tweak a plugin” while building an exploit.   OllyDbg plugins are compiled into dll’s, so changing a plugin would require me to recompile and test.   Immunity Debugger uses python scripts.  I can go into the script, make a little change, and see the results right away.  Simple.

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IDA Unicode String Anylist and comment maker

早在很久之前就写过一个导入Unicode字符串注释的脚本,但是脚本操作还是有自己的局限性。每次都要通过其他的分析工具搜索定位到字符串,然后导出,在然后倒入。这是多么蛋疼的时间事情啊。 😎

Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852), born Augusta Ada Byron, was an English writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage’s early mechanical general-purpose computer, the analytical engine. Her notes on the engine include what is recognised as the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine; thanks to this, she is sometimes considered the “World’s First Computer Programmer”
She was the only legitimate child of the poet Lord Byron (with Anne Isabella Milbanke). She had no relationship with her father, who died when she was nine. As a young adult, she took an interest in mathematics, and in particular Babbage’s work on the analytical engine. Between 1842 and 1843, she translated an article by Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea on the engine, which she supplemented with a set of notes of her own. These notes contain what is considered the first computer programme — that is, an algorithm encoded for processing by a machine. Though Babbage’s engine has never been built, Lovelace’s notes are important in the early history of computers. She also foresaw the capability of computers to go beyond mere calculating or number-crunching while others, including Babbage himself, focused only on these capabilities.

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IDA Binary Copy & Paste

Seeing there isn’t any binary copy-and-paste functionality in IDA, this plug-in will take care of both
copy and paste operations allowing you to take a chunk of binary from one place and overwrite
another with it. You need to modify your plugins.cfg file as this is a multi-function plug-in, needing
one invocation for copy and another for paste. Obviously it only supports copying and pasting
within IDA, however it could probably be extended to go beyond that.

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