猛击此处下载英文版 8) 修正了一下添加插件后界面显示混乱的问题~
PEiD detects most common packers, cryptors and compilers for PE files. It can currently detect more than 600 different signatures in PE files.
PEiD is special in some aspects when compared to other identifiers already out there!
1. It has a superb GUI and the interface is really intuitive and simple.
2. Detection rates are amongst the best given by any other identifier.
3. Special scanning modes for *advanced* detections of modified and unknown files.
4. Shell integration, Command line support, Always on top and Drag’n’Drop capabilities.
5. Multiple file and directory scanning with recursion.
6. Task viewer and controller.
7. Plugin Interface with plugins like Generic OEP Finder and Krypto ANALyzer.
8. Extra scanning techniques used for even better detections.
9. Heuristic Scanning options.
10. New PE details, Imports, Exports and TLS viewers
11. New built in quick disassembler.
12. New built in hex viewer.
13. External signature interface which can be updated by the user.
很久以前喜欢用, 现在不玩Crack了, 几乎很少接触.
呵呵,我是玩crack没多久,闲着没事的时候喜欢破解点小东西,说来倒是也肤浅的很。很多的东西根本不会。如果有做的不完美的地方还望不吝赐教。呵呵 :8
看过你写的文章, 感觉你Crack的能力不错哦, dubug工具都用得很好.