DailyPIM is a wonderful software for personal information management(PIM), which brings a lot of convenience to your work and life when you deals with Diary,Document,Plan,Contacts,Notes,Email.
a. Powered by Microsoft Word-like rich-text tools, DailyPIM is quite helpful in keeping notes, recipes, famous quotations, tables, pictures, Web-links,and even entire pages from the Internet.
b. With access to the import and export to Word and WordPad (RTF),HTML,TXT. DailyPIM has functions such as search and replacement,paragraph formatting,compact storage of graphical images,and working with tables.
c. DailyPIM has unique and comprehensive plan alarm settings,multitude of predefined contacts fields, and the function of checking Email,making CHM file and changing interface skins.
d. DailyPIM provides the security for your data. It also provides the backup/restore solutions within the software.
Register now and you will obtain:
No trial limitations;
FREE technical support via e-mail;
FREE Lifetime upgrades! (you will get ALL future versions of DailyPIM for FREE);
Register today!
DailyPIM development team
007942F2 |. 8B55 D4 mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-2C]
007942F5 |. 8B45 FC mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-4]
007942F8 |. E8 6F0DC7FF call 0040506C ; 关键call
007942FD |. 75 5E jnz short 0079435D ; 关键跳
007942FF |. 837D FC 00 cmp dword ptr [ebp-4], 0
00794303 |. 74 58 je short 0079435D
00794305 |. 837D F8 00 cmp dword ptr [ebp-8], 0
00794309 |. 74 52 je short 0079435D
0079430B |. A1 784C7F00 mov eax, dword ptr [7F4C78]
00794310 |. C700 03000000 mov dword ptr [eax], 3
00794316 |. A1 7C487F00 mov eax, dword ptr [7F487C]
0079431B |. 8B55 FC mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-4]
0079431E |. E8 9109C7FF call 00404CB4
00794323 |. 8D55 CC lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-34]
00794326 |. 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
00794328 |. E8 5F50CCFF call 0045938C
Cracked exe not launch…on winxp
Well,which version of ur xp is? it works fine both on my company pc and home pc with xp sp3 running on it.So will u please check it again? or just send me a picture of the crash screen.
Have changed into loader mode.so just run the loader.exe![smile](https://lang.ma/wp-content/plugins/kama-wp-smile/packs/qip/smile.gif)