IDA批量模式 Python Script[fix]

#Ida batch mode test code by obaby
#Mars Security
import sys
import os
import subprocess
# Fill these feilds with ur own ida file path and the idc file u want to execute!
idcScriptFileName = "batchmode.idc"
ida32qFilePath = '"F:\Crackl@b\Hex-Rays.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v6.1\ida61\idaq.exe"'
ida64qFilePath = "F:\Crackl@b\Hex-Rays.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v6.1\ida61\idaq64.exe"
ida32wFilePath ='"F:\Crackl@b\Hex-Rays.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v6.1\ida61\idaw.exe"'
ida64wFilePath = "F:\Crackl@b\Hex-Rays.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v6.1\ida61\idaw64.exe"
#The binary file list text 
TargetList = "F:/Python 2.6/_eric4project/idabatchmode/list.txt"
TargetFile_object = open(TargetList, "r").readlines()
for eachline in TargetFile_object:
    #print eachline, 
    #print eachline
    eachline = eachline.replace('\n','').replace('\r', '')
    if os.path.exists(eachline):
        tmpExecStr =  ida32wFilePath +" -A -c -S"+idcScriptFileName +" " + '"'+eachline+'"' #fixup the space in the file path
        print tmpExecStr, 
        #os.system(tmpExecStr) #singl process with cmdwindow
        #os.popen(tmpExecStr)  singl process without cmdwindow
        subprocess.Popen(tmpExecStr) #mulity process with cmd window
print ("All Process have been started!")

修正文件路径包含空格时找不到文件的问题,这个如果自己写的话应该是可以避免的。发现一个比较奇怪的问题,在win7下subprocess.Popen竟然不显示cmd窗口,但是在xp下显示。这是为什么? :8


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