JEB- Cracked

JEB is a reverse-engineering platform to perform disassembly, decompilation, debugging, and analysis of code and document files, manually or as part of an analysis pipeline.

Requirements: (Only JDK 17.0.X 64 bit), 64-bit OS
Press Generate a Key in welcome window
- fix all integrity checks\timebomb
- Time-limited sessions fixed
- Requires an Internet connection fixed
- dexdec: fix string decrypt via emulation
- dexdec: instruction conversion recovered
- gui: Usage of the clipboard is disallowed fixed
- jdb2: Saving or loading projects is disabled fixed
- android debug enabled
- android native debug enabled
- avrdec: decompiler enabled
- Decompiler exporter fixed
- CF-unflattener, unvirtualizer, native emulator, and plugins fixed
- callgraph enabled

需要jdk 17运行程序,jdk 17下载地址:


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