Ida PySide

PySide这个鸟东西听起来很牛b的样子,但是折腾起来很蛋疼。其实折腾这个东西主要还是看了hexblog上的一篇文章之后才想折腾的。看别人的文章感觉很简单,但是自己折腾就是折腾死也搞不定。后来又仔细看了下文章才发现原来ida中用的那个pyside是一个修改版本,并不是直接从源码编译过来的。并且提供了一个源码的patch包(,但是这个包只是针对 03/28/2011发布的版本。

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IDA python.plw: can’t load file


LoadLibrary(F:\Crackl@b\Hex-Rays.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v6.1\ida61\plugins\python.plw) error: 找不到指定的模块。

F:\Crackl@b\Hex-Rays.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v6.1\ida61\plugins\python.plw: can't load file

00:12:07 zynamics BinDiff 4.0.1 15146 (Dec 21 2011) - (c)2004-2011 Google Inc.

00:12:07 zynamics BinExport 5 15136 (Dec 21 2011) - (c)2004-2011 Google Inc.

LoadLibrary(F:\Crackl@b\Hex-Rays.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v6.1\ida61\plugins\python.plw) error: 找不到指定的模块。

F:\Crackl@b\Hex-Rays.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v6.1\ida61\plugins\python.plw: can't load file
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IDA failed to display the program in graph mode

Usually via the graph mode we can clearly see what and how the subroutine did,however lucky is not all the time with us,u may get an error message like above.

This error is mostly caused by fallow reasons:

1. there are to much nods that ida can’t change to graph mod,now here is no solution to fix this error

2.the current cursor pos is at a position that ida can’t recognize them as functions

3. a sp-anylized failure happened .

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VS2010 + IDASDK6.2搭建IDA Plugin开发环境


  1. 执行菜单的File->New->Project… (Ctrl-Shift-N)打开新建工程窗口。
  2. 展开左侧的Visual C++项目模板分支,然后选择右侧的Win32 Project条目,输入工程名称,然后点击确定。

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IDC 开发环境配置
